Walking into the Cleveland mayor’s office is no easy task.  In fact, it took Cleveland Ready’s team years to finally sit opposite the mayor to share their idea of a sustainable community Action Plan (CAP) for Cleveland. Cleveland Ready is operating in 47 cities including Pittsburgh and St. Louis. They're focused on turning America into a 100% green energy zone.


Apparently, like others, it was hard for the mayor’s team to believe that Cleveland could be transformed into a 100% environmentally controlled zone.  We’re talking about Cleveland here, which is ranked among one of the worst cities when it comes to air pollution. Someone had to step in and take control before outdated fossil fuels would ruin our health and economy. For us, this step was taken by Cleveland Ready.


Here’s how they did it:


  • The first step involved getting the mayor’s support.
  • Cleveland Ready then advocated for community input in action plan (CAP).
  • Eventually, a Climate Action Plan Committee (CAP) was set up for green energy.
  • The committee endorsed the plans of 100% clean energy in  Cleveland Plain Dealer.
  • The Mayor’s office of sustainability called for soliciting public comments to make the op-ed appear stronger.
  • The CAP called for having a 100% clean energy goal to be achieved by 2050.
  • They held press conferences with a panel of speakers that represented different groups in the community.
  • A conference was also held with the community leaders’ support.
  • They got the support of their partners and launched a print ad calling Mayor Jackson to stand with the community.
  • Finally, the CAP was finalized at the Sustainable Cleveland Summit.


The milestone was delivered and we’re proud to say that Cleveland is committed to delivering 100% green energy in the future. Hopefully, this case has been motivational enough for you to start a similar campaign on your end. Here’s to a Green Cleveland!