With a new year comes fresh possibilities. Some may make resolutions concerning their health, job, or location. As 2022 grows nearer, some are considering going green. Small changes in our behaviors can lead to a positive change in the fight against global climate change. So, if you are thinking ahead to the new year, here are a few tips to make your routine eco-friendly.
At Home -
Enrolling in your neighborhood’s or city’s recycling program is a great first step in a greener lifestyle. But, there are plenty of opportunities in the home as well:
- Turn off light switches in empty rooms.
- Invest in Energy-Efficient appliances.
- Use reusable water bottles/cups instead of disposable plastic bottles.
- Swap out plastic grocery store bags with reusable types.
- Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
- Exchange your light bulbs to more efficient LED bulbs.
- In warmer months, hang clothes outside on a clothesline.
Installing solar panels on your roof or with a ground mount is a clean source of renewable energy that can power your home without harming the environment. Most panels have a lifespan of 30 to 40 years. Adding solar panels and batteries for energy storage can also save you money on utility bills every month!
On the Go -
Electric cars are changing the way people get around. Charging stations are popping up in new home construction, and shopping center parking lots. If you are going green in 2022 upgrading your current vehicle to an electric model is a viable option. A new car not in the budget? No problem, here are a few more tips:
- Carpool with friends, family, or co-workers to special events and work.
- Whenever possible, walk while completing your errands.
- Support local farmers and stores by shopping locally.
- Get in on the vintage trend by shopping at thrift stores near you.
- Donate gently used household items and clothes instead of throwing them away.
Adapting and adding green options to your every day can help make 2022 a cleaner year. Taking steps to save the planet from further harm is something that we all can celebrate together. Cheers to going green and a happy and healthy new year!
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